Leda and the Swan
Leda, the wife of the king, was resting by the river. She saw an eagle attacking a swan. It turns out that the swan was the god Zeus and the eagle was Aphrodite. So these gods tricked Leda. Leda saves the swan, puts it on her lap and falls asleep. Zeus has intercourse with the sleeping Leda. The same day Leda has intercourse with her husband. Leda "gives birth" to two eggs with four children in them. One of the children was Helen of Troy.

Death of Cleopatra

Legend: Egyptian queen Cleopatra had an affair with Roman general Mark Antony. Cleopatra and Mark Antony, in anticipation of the victory of Octavian's forces, agreed to commit suicide at the same time. The Roman commander did so by throwing himself on his sword when he received false news of Cleopatra's death. Antony died in the arms of Cleopatra sobbing over him, clutching a dagger in her hand. But Cleopatra herself did not die immediately, but a few days later.
She received news that Octavian was going to parade through Rome and carry Cleopatra in a shameful chariot. Not wanting to become a sort of "grand prize" for Octavian and to fulfill her promise to Antony, Cleopatra is believed to have put her hand in the basket where the poisonous snake was.
This version for a long time caused doubts among historians. The fact that together with Cleopatra from the bite of a cobra died two of her maids, and it is very unlikely that one snake fatally stung three people at once.
Scientists believe that Cleopatra and the maids died from a deadly cocktail of opium and poisonous plants.
But why do they have bare breasts? 😍
The Sale of the Child Slave

Bacha bazi is a slang term in Afghanistan for a wide variety of activities involving sexual relations between older men and younger adolescent men, or boys. The practitioner is commonly called bacha Baz (meaning "boy play" in Dari) or simply BACH. It may include to some extent sexual slavery and child prostitution. Bacha bazi has existed throughout history, and is currently reported in various parts of Afghanistan. During the Afghan Civil War (1996–2001), bacha bazi officially carried the death penalty under Taliban law. The practice of dancing boys is illegal under Afghan law, being against Islam, but the laws are seldom enforced against powerful offenders. More https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi