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Links to credible research on different aspects of sex and sexuality of students and teachers in school.
- Teacher Sexual Harassment: When Students Sexually Harass Teachers. https://teachermisery.com/teacher-sexual-harassment
- 25 Of The Dumbest Things Some Teens Actually Believe About Sexual Health. https://teachermisery.com/teen-sex-myths
- 75 Funniest Sex Education Questions Students REALLY Asked. https://teachermisery.com/sex-education-questions
You can read other manifestations of sexism in life on this site https://everydaysexism.com . They are categorized by country. And you can write your own observations about sexism in life.
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Resources, prompts and detailed guides for generating porn/hentai with AI
If you're looking for ways to make NSFW content using AI, then I recommend checking out this site: https://betterwaifu.com/blog
Prompting: what is “Danbooru Tags”?
When studying AI models of image generation, I have sometimes encountered such recommendations of developers for composing hints: “use Danbooru tags” or “I used Danbooru tags to train this model”. Such recommendations are especially common for models creating Anime or NSFW style images. Developers note that using Danbooru tags will give better results when generating text-to-image or video in their models. Here is an example of using Danbooru tags, given by one user of the Animagine XL AI model for generating Anime-style pictures: it is better to say “1girl, beautiful” than “beautiful woman”. And instead of saying “short black pleated skirt”, it may work better to say “skirt, black skirt, short skirt, pleated skirt” ( source ). Many would agree that this is an unusual, perhaps outdated, approach to describing an image. But you should know it nonetheless.
You'll find the full list of tags, divided by topic here: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=tag_groups . There are explanatory pictures for tags so that the user understands exactly what the tag means.
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Fighting is not conflict. Conflict is an adopted girl sucking off a guy not knowing it's her biological dad. Conflict is your mom falling in massive debt to mob and having no legal way to come up with the money. Conflict is husband and wife talking at dinner table, the camera showing a bomb ticking under it with 3 seconds left. Conflict is Samuel l. Jackson looking inside a briefcase with golden glow lighting his face, but we're not shown what causes the glow. Generally you should never resolve your conflict, but at best exchange it into another conflict. (someone loans mom enough to pay off the mob, but turns out the loaner is much worse and now she in more desperate trouble with no way out.) The only time you should resolve conflict is right before the story ends. |
Ссоры — это не конфликт. Конфликт — это приемная девочка, которая отсасывает парню, не зная, что это ее биологический отец. Конфликт — это твоя мама, которая влезает в огромные долги перед мафией и не имеет законного способа получить деньги. Конфликт — это муж и жена, разговаривающие за обеденным столом, камера показывает, как под ней тикает бомба, и остается 3 секунды. Конфликт — это Сэмюэл Л. Джексон, который смотрит в портфель, и его лицо освещает золотистое сияние, но нам не показывают, что именно вызывает это сияние. Как правило, ты никогда не должен разрешать свой конфликт, а в лучшем случае превращать его в другой конфликт. (кто-то одалживает маме достаточно, чтобы расплатиться с мафией, но оказывается, что одалживатель гораздо хуже, и теперь она в еще более отчаянной ситуации, из которой нет выхода. Единственный момент, когда ты должен разрешить конфликт, — это прямо перед концом истории. |
The first thing you need to do is establish your boundaries and be strict with them. Writing erotica is still a kind of pornography, and there's a golden rule in the adult business world- Whatever you're willing to do, is what you're gonna get asked to do. |
Первое, что вам нужно сделать, это установить свои границы и строго соблюдать их. Написание эротики по-прежнему является разновидностью порнографии, и в мире бизнеса для взрослых существует золотое правило: все, что вы готовы сделать, вас попросят сделать. |
So before you say yes to anything and embark on that journey. You need to think very hard about what you're going to say NO to. Because what you say YES to will find you. |
Если вы готовы написать что-то странное, эта странность сама вас найдет. Итак, прежде чем сказать чему-либо «да» и отправиться в это путешествие. Вам нужно очень хорошо подумать, чему вы собираетесь сказать "Нет". Потому что то, чему вы говорите "Да" - найдет вас. |

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AI for 3D
A free tool for making textures and 3D via StableDiffusion: stableprojectorz.com
Sound effects
- Open NSFW Sound pack, Creative Commons license, 10K sounds: opennsfw.carrd.co/ & x.com/OpenNSFWSP (reserve).
- Free recordings of real people's sexual conversations and sounds on Reddit - r/gonewildaudio.
- pixabay.com/sound-effects/
- zvukipro.com Interface in Russian
Music for free
- pixabay.com/music/
- ccmixter.org and http://dig.ccmixter.org
- youtube.com/@freemusicfactorydownloadan3190 or facebook.com/FreeMusicFactory/
Advice from a forum reader: If you choose to use CC-BY stuff, screenshot all of it and keep it in a folder. Many artists have no idea what they're doing with their music once they put it into the creative commons. Many will try to remove it when they get signed (or the label will) or realize they didn't want to give it away for free for commercial use and pretend like it never existed. CC-BY licenses are irrevocable and that screenshot stands as proof that you were given both express permission and license to use the song commercially. Cover your ass.
Read more: CC licensed music, sound, 3D-model, photo and drawing

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Text and translator
- deepl.com/translator
- imtranslator.net/translation/
- aigrammar.com - free online grammar checker.
- grammarly.com - assistance with writing and editing.
- Gigapixel: up to 600 percent image magnification https://www.topazlabs.com/gigapixel
- Create textures for 3D with "Poly": https://withpoly.com/browse/textures
- Background Generator: https://www.photoroom.com/backgrounds/stormy-dark-sky/
- 360° skybox. I added the words: "Water, Grass, Bridg, Sunset, Birds" and got this: https://skybox.blockadelabs.com .
You can create your own sketch, here is an example of such a work: https://youtu.be/0ANrBMnoh0Q